Tag Archives: talk

Tokyo Demo Fest team presents: megademo benkyoukai 2021

Artwork for the Tokyo Demo Fest lightning talks

This is the poster that yogib33r and I (Zavie) made at the end of last year for the upcoming event organized by the Tokyo Demo Fest team.

Tokyo Demo Fest is a Japanese demoscene party held in Tokyo. The last edition was a success, with an all time record attendance and a notable article in IGN Japan. But since then, well, life happened. Companies were founded, weddings were celebrated, kids were born, and the core team was simply too busy to dedicate the time it takes to organize a good event. And just like that, two years have passed.

Connected through creativity

But this hiatus has come to an end when it was decided, as a way to see something happen despite the pandemic, to organize in early 2021 an online session of demoscene talks: a メガデモ勉強会 (megademo benkyōkai), literally a group study on demoscene topics.

yogib33r is a French pixel artist and animator, who was kind enough to work with me on this poster. The artwork tries to communicate the motivation behind the event. In these times when we’re all physically separated, we remain creative, and this creativity that defines our community keeps us connected.

The text at the bottom reads:「会えないときも、創造性でつながってる。」
meaning “Even when we can’t meet, we stay connected through creativity”.

The megademo benkyōkai will take place on Sunday, February 14th, 2021
Event details
Tokyo Demo Fest Discord server

Talk at SIGGRAPH Asia 2018

We are proud to announce that we will be at the computer graphics conference SIGGRAPH Asia 2018 this December, where we will present the techniques used to create our 64K intro, H – Immersion.

At the conference, the “Computer Animation Festival” celebrates storytelling and animation in general, and showcases some of the best works of the year. We are honoured to have been selected among the talks there, and still in disbelief to be sitting next to talks about Pixar’s Incredibles 2 or Solo: A Star Wars Story.

If you are attending SIGGRAPH Asia this December in Tokyo, come to our session on Thursday 6th of December, from 16:15 to 18:00, in room G502 (glass building, fifth floor). All the details are available on the SIGGRAPH Asia 2018 session description. There is an iCalendar file as well.

Demoscene session at SIGGRAPH 2018

Tomasz Bednarsz has been trying to increase the presence of demoscene at the major graphics community conference, SIGGRAPH, for a few years now, through so called “Birds of a Feather” sessions. This year I had the unexpected opportunity to attend SIGGRAPH in Vancouver, and I was invited to participate to the session along with a few other sceners.  The details are available on the description that Tomasz posted.

There, I presented some aspects of 64k creation, that Laurent and I have been discussing here in the recent articles. The slides are available here:

Making an animation 18 bytes at a time.

A recording of the entire session is available. It includes the introduction by Tomasz, a presentation of a technique to render clouds in real time by Matt Swoboda (Smash, of Fairlight), our part, another take on 64k creation by Yohann Korndörfer (cupe of Mercury), and a presentation of Tokyo Demo Fest by Kentaro Oku (Kioku, of SystemK).

The event was way more successful than any of us expected, and we were all gladly surprised to see so much interest from the graphics community. A lot more people showed up than the room could accommodate, meaning that unfortunately most of them had to walk away.

The waiting line for the Birds of a Feather session on demoscene, at SIGGRAPH 2018.

Hopefully this increased interest means we can expect more events like this to happen at SIGGRAPH in the future years. We are already planning to do another demoscene session at SIGGRAPH Asia 2018, which will take place in Tokyo on December 4th to 7th.