Tag Archives: engine

Tunnel scene

New release: I – Probe

After the big endeavour that H – Immersion was, we needed a little break and do something less ambitious. Have more fun with less work. See if we would be able to make something decent within a just a handful of weekends.

Moreover, we were curious to see what we could do now with that shiny new engine. A significant part of it was developed while working on the intro, so we still needed to try to use it and use it only. Focusing on content without without adding features sounded like a good test to spot parts of the engine that maybe were problematic.

By the way, we already had a couple of new features that we hadn’t tested in a production yet. We wanted to make sure that they would work in a real production and not just on a prototype test scene.

Finally, our musician also wanted to experiment outside of the constraints of a 64kB. As we mentioned before, extreme size intros make content creation harder, because you cannot use your usual toolchain and workflow. For example, as a musician, you cannot use your sound samples.

So those were our constraints this time: a demo with no size limitation, just two or three weekends of work, try to spot problems in the engine (and fix them), but no new features.

After five or six weekends (spread over nine months), we released I – Probe in early November, at Alchimie. The title refers to the main feature showcased in the demo: the use of light probe for illumination. We consider the objectives fulfilled.